Cisco Training Perth

cisco training perth western australia

Cisco Career Perth Western Australia

How CCNA helps NBN, Telecom, Data, Voice Technicians to Grow Their Career

Computer networks are a key asset for any business. There are 100+ Perth businesses looking for network engineers to maintain and manage their existing network, equipment. And everyday new networks are designed and installed around Perth, Western Australia

CCNA is a network career starter and all-time desired Cisco Networking Certification by Perth Businesses.

If you have previous NBN, Data, Voice, or any other IT / Telecom experience or none at all, Cisco CCNA from Cisco Training Perth will help you achieve the next level in your career growth.

Because Cisco Training Perth is playing a significant role in developing local information technology networking skills to meet Cisco CCNA professional demand in Perth, Western Australia.

Are You A Telecommunication Network Equipment installer

If you are a Telecom/Communication technician; then you are already close to diversifying your current skills and moving into a high-income computer networking job. By attending Cisco CCNA Training with CTP, Perth you enhance your skills and your income.

o          Installing or replacing IT communications systems and associated infrastructure like switches, routers, servers.

o          Network equipment testing and isolating faults;

o          New IT Network deployments;

o          Understand Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN)

o          Design & Build Computer Networking Architectures (Cabling)

Current Telecom Technicians with Networking Certifications are taking 90k+ to 100k (subject to change and varies from industry to industry)


Are You A NBN Technician / Installer

If you are an NBN technician/ Installer; you might be performing one or more of the following tasks

o          Installation of new equipment inside, such as a connection box or wall outlet.

o          Installation of new equipment outside, such as a premises connection device.

o          Installation of new cabling to connect your premises to the relevant broadband network.

o          Testing of the equipment to ensure connectivity.

By attending Cisco CCNA Training with CTP, Perth you will be able to transform the above skills in high-income job

o          Installing or replacing IT communications systems and associated infrastructure like switches, routers, server.

o          Network equipment testing and isolating faults;

o          New IT Network deployments;

o          Understand Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN)

o          Design & Build Computer Networking Architectures (Cabling)

IT support technicians and ICT support technician

There is a huge demand for IT support technicians around Perth Region. ICT Support Technicians provide support for the deployment and maintenance of computer infrastructure and web technology and the diagnosis and resolution of technical problems and more or less performing the following key tasks

o          Determine IT hardware (PCs, Server, Network) requirements to provide solutions to problems

o          Attend inquiries about software and hardware problems

o          implementing computer networks

o          designing and maintaining websites

o          repairing and replacing IT equipment

According to (

The demand for ICT Support Technicians is set to grow very strong.

By attending Cisco CCNA Training with CTP, Perth ICT Technician will be able to transform the above skills into high-income jobs and can be promoted to Network Engineer. The demand for ICT Support Technicians is set to grow very strong.

By attending Cisco CCNA Training with CTP, Perth ICT Technician will be able to transform the above skills in high-income jobs and can be promoted as Network Engineer.

If you are looking for a CISCO CCNA exam preparation and training course in Perth, Western Australia, please get in touch with Cisco Training Perth Team now at :